• Why blogging frequency for law firms is so important

    BYTeresa Shaw0 commentsMarketing Tips

    There is no doubt that blogging is an important part of online marketing, and one of the best ways to increase public awareness of your firm, as well as public trust, in an effort to become an authority in your field. I have no doubt you’ve seen these statements countless times, and have wondered how […]

  • The 3 worst pieces of paralegal advice I’ve ever received

    BYTonya Pierce4 commentsParalegal news

    “Don’t be a paralegal! You’ll hate it – all attorneys are awful.”  I actually changed the last word of that sentence to keep this article G-rated. That pleasant piece of unsolicited advice is what I received from a family friend when I told a group of people I was enrolled to enter the paralegal program […]

  • 6 ways to be a tech-savvy lawyer

    BYCyclone Covey1 commentsLegal hot topics

    Do you remember the days of legal research in books? Shepardizing cases took days and you didn’t have access to the most recently decided cases? How about the days of coding documents with sticky notes, notepads, and dictated indices? Remember when Lotus was the dominant email program? Ah, how technology has changed the legal profession. […]

  • Best ways to communicate based on personality types

    BYTonya Pierce1 commentsParalegal news

    In my last blog post, I discussed the Myers-Briggs personality test and how various personality types view the world. The theory is that each of the 16 unique personalities identified in the Myers-Briggs test make decisions in different ways, helping us to better understand motives and communication styles. In this post, I want to discuss […]

  • 4 ways to create evergreen content for legal blogs

    BYTeresa Shaw0 commentsMarketing Tips

    We’ve covered a number of posts related to content from sharing examples of rockstar legal blogs to re-purposing content. But as you build upon and improve your content strategy, consider focusing on creating evergreen content which is powerful and stays relevant for much longer (it’s also easier to revamp and keep relevant). Evergreen content works for you […]

  • How to understand different personality types at work

    BYTonya Pierce2 commentsParalegal news

    One of my paralegal friends worked for a law firm that held regular team building and training exercises. The attorney who owned the law firm felt that this was an excellent way to help everyone understand each other better to enhance communication skills. While I agree with the concept that understanding different personalities is very […]

  • 5 things to avoid when selling to lawyers

    BYCyclone Covey0 commentsLegal hot topics

    During my time at AgileLaw, I’ve spoken to many vendors who sell to the legal industry and lawyers in particular. Many lament how hard it is to get face time with lawyers to demonstrate and sell their product. Sure, it’s hard to get in front of lawyers. Most of them bill by the hour (or […]

  • 10 ways you can re-purpose legal content

    BYTeresa Shaw2 commentsMarketing Tips

    One of the things that makes blogs and social media effective is consistent updates. But it can be hard to continuously be creative and come up with great content for all those outlets. Honestly, it’s one of the biggest reasons why people abandon these marketing tools. But what if you could write once and produce […]

  • 10 myths about being a paralegal

    BYTonya Pierce5 commentsParalegal news

    When I decided to become a paralegal 26 years ago, I wish I had known more about the job. I’m not sure it would have changed my decision but it may have influenced my career path. I chose to become a paralegal because I was very young, about to get married, and needed a job […]

  • 8 ways to prepare and succeed in a negotiation

    BYJason Long2 commentsLegal hot topics

    Power in a negotiation equates to emotional control, experience, intuition, flexibility, and knowledge of the facts and law. It isn’t anger, hostility, ego, or cockiness. In a negotiation, since the facts determine the law to be used, you must be prepared to persuade. Arming yourself with information and knowing your “audience” should be an integral […]